SUPBALL (Stand Up Paddle Ball) is a combination of netball, water polo, lacrosse, and rugby (if playing with contact) - played on stand up paddle boards!  Contact and non-contact versions make this sport suitable for all ages and abilities.

SUPBALL originates in Australia, but Och Aye Canoe is bringing it to Scotland now!  Be the first to play by booking here!

Played in teams, the aim is to hit the goal (this will be explained on the day!) to gain points. 

Once a player is in possession of the ball they must stop paddling.  A player who doesn't have 50% or more of their body on a board is deemed to be out of play until they get back on a board.  Without being on a board they are not allowed to interfere with the ball or with other players.

You may play at the ball with your hands, paddle, or any other part of your body.  You may destabilise a board with your paddles (non-contact), but no paddle-to-player contact is allowed.

SUPBALL will help you make new friends whilst having fun on your paddleboard!